Yarrr! PR throws a Pirate Elvis party


Check out the Yarrr! PR/Latest Flame Records party on Wednesday, March 14 at Treasure Island (413 E 6th St.). The show, which goes from 1 to 6 pm will feature Minmae, The Slats, 1986, That Handsome Devil, Heligoats (Chris from Troubled Hubble), and Skull Time (Christreater from Milwaukee’s Mistreaters). And best of all, FREE DRINKS.

3 responses to “Yarrr! PR throws a Pirate Elvis party

  1. treasure island? i’ve never heard of this place, wonder if its by red river?

  2. It’s been around awhile. Not a traditional music venue though. It’s right next to the Library and the Aquarium.

  3. Yeah, it’s right in the middle of E 6th St. Picked exclusively for its piratical name. Couldn’t help maself….