Happy Sixth Birthday, Donewaiting.com

At 6 years old, donewaiting.com can now go to kindergarten and drink wine coolers. We are celebrating with a huge show in Columbus tomorrow featuring Envelope, Two Cow Garage, Adulture, and Moon High. Details here.

Here’s some numbers from the past few years. If I can think of any more I’ll add them in.

4,667 Posts
119,643 deleted spam comments via Akismet
3 different blogging platforms (Blogger to Moveable Type to WordPress)
22 writers
1 now deceased podcast that was written up in Spin

Message Board
222,547 posts
4,811 members
2 message board softwares (Delphi Forums to PHPBB)

4 different web hosts (currently Host Gator)
7 full length albums released on our record label
2 lawsuits threatened
363 followers on Twitter
207 fans on Facebook
1,853 friends on MySpace
1 day show during SXSW

2 responses to “Happy Sixth Birthday, Donewaiting.com

  1. Definitely will come back again snapping you rss feeds also, Many thanks.

  2. there are portable wine coolers which also fit in a small office space. i use them in my home office ,:*