Fly Union-Value Pack

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Fly Union have this drinking squad called the “Rossi Posse”. It centers around drinking Rossi. I think thats why they have drink special at Whud-Up Wednesdays that involves Rossi. Not Sure. But its inexpensive and comes in a large quantity.

 Above is a shaky video of a Fly Union and DJ Giovanny putting people down with the Rossi Posse on the Red Bull Party Bus that CJ Townsend hooked up last month. We basically rolled around drinking in a bus while CJ played various musics, including “Gold Chain” by Fly Union, a song thats has been popular on the blogs. 

All free-loading booze deals aside, Fly Union is back with another download thats been getting burn. Value Pack is a 4 song EP that Fly Union is giving aways.

MP3:Fly Union-Value Pack

2 responses to “Fly Union-Value Pack

  1. say wha? possibly the most unentertaining video i have ever scene.

  2. yeah…but there is still something interesting about the fact that redbull had a bus escort around and feed iglu, pbj, fly union and random girls free booze while a dejay played gucci mane in columbus,ohio.