Undercover Karaoke with Jewel

Interviewed Jewel in Lexington KY in 1996. She drew me a picture. True story.

Jewel, disguised as a mild mannered businesswoman, drops by a local karaoke bar and performs some of her classic songs to a completely dumbfounded audience.

5 responses to “Undercover Karaoke with Jewel

  1. Kinda weird that seemingly EVERYBODY in the bar knew the words to “Meant for Me”. A high school classmate of mine is currently (I think) Jewel’s sound guy. You can see Mike at 1:40 in this video – http://www.cmt.com/videos/misc/535981/tucks-in-her-crew.jhtml?id=1643232

  2. what room full of self respecting karaokers doesn’t know the words to jewel songs? especially when they’re on a big TV for people to read. REAL question: wtf happened to that gap in her teeth? that shit was seck-say.

  3. Even when she’s not herself, she’s still great.
    So there ya go.

  4. i like to always sing on karaoke bars because it is very exciting to sing in front of many people .

  5. me and my girlfriend would always frequent karaoke bars because we love to sing “,~