Tag Archives: mazzy star

Thursday: True Widow @ The Basement (Columbus, Oh)

You know that really shitty weather we’ve been experiencing in Columbus for the last couple of months? True Widow’s self-described stonegaze is the perfect soundtrack; dark, grey, gloomy, like the rain-filled clouds that have been perpetually hanging low in the Ohio skies. That’s not to say True Widow’s latest (a friggin’ mouthful!), As High As the Highest Heavens and From the Center to the Circumference of the Earth, is shitty like the weather. No, my plodding doom metal friends, this album is far from it and is one of the most haunting beautiful slabs of noise I’ve heard this year. If you thought Hope Sandoval’s last record sounded like Mazzy Star covering Black Sabbath while stoned to the bejesus, this thing will blow yer mind (or melt it or subdue it into submission).

MP3: Skull Eyes

True Widow hits The Basement stage at 8pm on Thursday night opening for Surfer Blood and … And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead.