Video: Gibson Bros – “Big Pine Boogie” (Comfest 1987)

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Thanks to Davey Highben and his treasure trove known as the Never Ending Compilation for pointing me to this video of the Gibson Bros playing “Big Pine Boogie” at Comfest in 1987. Apparently it’s from one of the band’s self-released tapes called “Has anybody got an assburn?”

The Gibson Bros will reunite at the CMC’s Parking Lot Blowout in Columbus on July 10. New poster after the jump.

3 responses to “Video: Gibson Bros – “Big Pine Boogie” (Comfest 1987)

  1. Davey Highben

    Please note the much skinnier Don B. up front and center with a plastic cup of beer. Lots of things change, some never do.

  2. Aleks Shaulov

    good eye, davey! i didn’t catch that the 1st time…. great video though!

  3. I don’t think that’s Don B. I think that’s Lawson.